Monday, 7 May 2012

Fleetwood Mac-Sara

Whilst many people's weekend highlights will involve their fair share of boozy stories, for many tuning into the Fleetwood Mac documentary (admittedley a repeat, sadly like much of BBC Four's output of late) and it's own tales of debauchery and excess will refresh many memories and provide a backdrop to some timeless pieces of music.

I've been fond of their album 'Tusk' of late as I have mentioned on a previous post, and I recently got hold of the 2004 released bonus CD which includes a 8 minute version of Stevie Nick's 'Sara'. Any extension of a song that good (why did they shorten releases when they were released on single anyway usually to the detriment of the song) ain't no bad thing.

Fleetwood Mac-Sara (Unreleased Version) (buy)


  1. I've got a 12-minute long version ;)

    - David Dilsner

  2. 12 minutes or 12 inches?
